I know what you're thinking: what a lame-o last name. Ok, if that's not what you're thinking, you may wonder why in the world I would want to label myself--for the entire blogging world--as "The Intern Anomaly." Well, young padawan, there is a reason, and it all comes down to definitions. I have interned in the Church world for about four years now, and at my current church, one friend and associate endearing began calling me "Intern" instead of ever actually using my name. It's quite amusing all in all. Usually, people do not wish to be called "intern" because it's somewhat degrading; it sometimes has a connotation of subpar, of the go-fer guy, of the one you give tasks to that you really don't want to do yourself. Well, I was thinking about the term intern and it really is described as a student who is training under someone with more experience. They are employed not just to help, but to learn. The entire stance of an internship is that "I don't know all there is to know about this so I want to learn from someone who knows at least a little more than I do."
So all in all, I decided an Intern is really what I want to stay. I want be ever learning, ever positioning myself under wise mentors, ever understanding that I do not know it all. I want to admit that in life, I don't always have all the answers, but as an Intern, I can contribute to the discussion. God will always have new things to teach me, so I figure I ought to always be in the position of student--whether I someday get paid a full-time salary or not.
So, what's with this "The Intern: Anomaly"? Here's the definition of anomaly:
a·nom·a·ly (-n